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The Douro Valley

rio douro

The Douro Valley, birthplace of port wine, is one of the most beautiful and oldest vineyards in Europe. Wine has been produced here for two millennia.


In 1756, the Douro Valley became the first classic wine region in the world to be demarcated. In 1757, the detailed classification of the vines was established.

It is a wild and mountainous region, spectacular in its proportions, remained remote  and inaccessible until relatively recent times.

This  vineyard  is heritage listed  global  of UNESCO


The most beautiful vineyards generally occupy the steep slopes bordering the Douro River and its tributaries, such as the Pinhao, the Távora and the Rio Torto.


About two-thirds of the vineyards extend over slopes of more than 30°, in the only heavily wine-growing region in the world to practice mountain viticulture in a warm climate.

This regions  taking advantage  of one  microclimate, fruits such as cherries have the earliest harvest in the world.

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